Monday, November 8, 2010

My flap has flopped

Today I had the privilege of going down to the Orange Regional Family History Center to train my replacement. She is a wonderful, energetic, and organized person. It was awkward to use my master key for the last time, but I know this is what the Lord wants. She kind of got "baptism by fire" today. Denise is a quick learner, but we were all confused at the loss of 4 order cards today, although it had 4 of us working to solve this problem. On a lighter note, Lucine Fox, Jim Keffer, Denise Sorenson and I were just sitting around talking and Lucine made the comment that she thought "there was a little flap in the throat which kept the air side and the food side separated and kept you from choking", I promptly replied "in that case, then my flap has flopped". We all had a good laugh. Laughter is good for the soul.

I want to tell Denise Sorenson how happy I am that I am turning the responsibility over to her. She may not know it yet, but she will learn all she needs to learn and really be a benefit to those she trains. Bless her heart for accepting this call. I gave you more training than I got when I took over. Make this calling your own. Change all files with my name on it to your name and delete anything that looks personal, use what you can and enjoy the ride!


  1. Haha, mom. thanks for continuing to brighten the lives of the people around you.

  2. That must have been difficult. You did did exactly how you use to preach to us, leave something better than it was when you came.
