Monday, September 20, 2010

A full medical update

Here is where we are as far as an official diagnosis.

After my EMG, my neurologist had the preliminary report and based on what he saw it looked much more like an autoimmune disorder like Myasthenia Gravis. They took a lot of blood that day to check for an autoimmune disorder. This last Tuesday I went back to the Neurologist to get the blood results.

All of the test results came back negative. He also had the full EMG report and he said that the UCI clinic saw abnormalities but he thought they were being extremely picky. With these results back there are not any other conditions left that describe my symptoms other than ALS. He is doing a chest CT scan since that is the last area where they have not checked for tumors and he also put me on a medication that is used to treat Myasthenia Gravis.

I was told to expect a little improvement from the medication since it strengthens the muscle nerve receptors and amplifies them. Even with ALS there could be some improvement with the medication. If what I actually have is Myasthenia Gravis he told us we would notice a huge improvement. After being on the medication there has been a slight and inconsistent improvement, but nothing significant.

The needle portion of the EMG test was horrific for me and the neurologist on Tuesday just wanted to do 1 needle. We were surprised when he put it into my right arm since that arm is still strong. After that 1 needle the Dr said that the test results were abnormal which is indicative of ALS.

I have noticed that my slurred speech increases when I cry or am emotional and my sinus' run heavily when I am slurring. Today I went and saw my Ear, nose, and throat specialist to be sure there was not some sort of sinus condition that would at least perhaps explain why my speech has progressed so quickly. During the examination he saw fasciculations on my tongue which are expected with ALS and explained that since I am losing control over those muscles it makes my sinus' seem worse because my tongue and throat are not working the same. He concluded that I look like typical ALS.

I have my first Dr apt with Dr. Mozaffar of the UC Irvine ALS and Neuromuscular Center tomorrow. WE will be getting a second opinion and meeting the team at UCI that will help me maintain the best quality of life possible.


  1. I am Lisa's neighbor and friend. Just want to let you know that you have and will continue to be in my prayers. May you have the strength and guidence you need to get through this.

  2. Caroline....sister Rober,
    Tears streamed down my face as I read the sweet email that was sent out to the ward from the bishop...your dear husband concerning your recent diagnosis of ALS. I KNOW what this disease can do, the good, the bad, the healing, and the heartache. I know that there is a certain amount of courage that comes with ALS and I want you to know that you just became the most courageous woman in the world by taking on such a trail!!! You are stronger than you believe, braver that you can imagine, and you will be blessed for enduring this well (as I see you already are doing).

    I want to just give you a hug the next time I see you, weep with you, tell you thank you for all you have done for the ward and especially for my little Hudson.

    I lost my dad to ALS just over a year ago (July of 2009) and I can't complain because I saw the amazing things that it did for my family, for my dad, and for my testimony. You can see my blog entries about my dad here:

    As you can see, although this disease "weakens you", it strengthens you beyond comprehension.

    I know you have family around, but I can help whenever you need, or just be a listening ear to you or any of your family members...I've been through it and I'm here to say that there IS life after ALS!

    I know this comment is long, but I'll finish with a quote that my dad had hanging on his refrigerator & a scripture that gets me through:

    "COURAGE: The ability to face danger, difficulty, or pain without being overcome by fear"

    2 Timothy 1:7- "For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and a sound mind"

  3. We love you Caroline! We are sorry you have to go through this, but I love what Amelia said. I can only imagine how much you and your family will be blessed during this time.
