Saturday, September 24, 2011

Lake Cavanaugh News

This piece was published in the Lake Cavanaugh Newsletter in August. We spent many happy summers at the Lake growing up in fact a lot of my favorite childhood memories were at the Lake. It was a lot of work for my Mom but she drove the 48 hour round trip each year. Its touching that they honored her.

Caroline Rober passed away peacefully surrounded by her family on February 1 of Lou Gehrig‘s
disease (ALS). She lived in Brea, California with her husband Larry Rober. The Rober family
first came to the lake in 1958 when Lew and Irene Rober bought property on South Shore
Drive. Their children Larry Rober and Linda Rober Howson spent their childhood summers at
the lake and to this day enjoy the original property. Caroline met Larry in 1973 in Santa
Monica, California. They were married in 1975 and from then on Lake Cavanaugh became a
fond place for Caroline and Larry during their summer vacations at the lake where they
watched their children and grandchildren enjoy life at the cabin. Many of you may have
enjoyed Caroline‘s chocolate chip cookie recipe found in the latest edition of the Lake
Cavanaugh Fire Department Auxiliary cookbook. She and Larry would bake cookies for the
―Once Around Cavanaugh‖ walkers as they passed the Rober driveway on South Shore Drive.
Caroline and her daughter Lisa kept an inspiring blog of her battle with ALS that can be read

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