Today was one of those days I usually despise and for good reason. 9:15 am ( I'm mot a morning person and have never been) Went to a really nice Dr. to talk about My Thyroid nodule, He said its nothing to worry about.
At 11:00 am we went for my Barium swallow, all I can say is that the test didn't look perfect. As I swallowed different thicknesses of Barium, which were all sickeningly sweet and chalky, from a honey consistency to a cracker with Barium spread on it and every thickness in between. It wasn't as bad as the needle and shock test, but I gaged on the pudding consistency. Every time I swallowed, the Dr and Speech Person would say "look, she gets most of it down the right pipe, but a small amount is going down the wrong part" or something like that. It lasted for 15 minutes or so. The bottom line is: Get a feeding tube put in while you still have your health, don't Wait until the last minute. So I'm in the process of scheduling that right now. I don't have to use it, just have it in place in case I wake up one morning and can't swallow anymore.
Then Larry took me to lunch at the Main place Mall food court. Because it was close to our 2:00 pm Dr. appointment with Dr De Silva. We had some time to kill so we went into Penny's Store and bought me 6 pair of "pull-up" old ladies slacks. Yep, I'm now officially Grma Irene!
When we got to Dr Desilva's office, he told us the genetic test was back. SO.....I do not have the common familial kind of SOD1, but I have the rarer kind of familial kind known as FUS, leave it to me to have the RARE kind of ALS!
I missed seeing you in your granny pants!??! That's it, I'm coming back!! I must see these! And of course you'd get the rare kind! You're spunky like that :)!